Tuesday, August 29, 2006

29th August - Wellington the non home of the gum boot

Wellingtons were not made here in wellington, in fact they call them gum boots here
in New Zealand and they were invented miles from here in the town of Guma Bootee a
Maori phrase for silly yet practical shoes.

Wellington is a great city from the looks of things. Unfortunately this place has
been sacrificed for time and energy. All 3 of us are pooped, and we could tell that
from the 11am rise this morning. It might have had something to do with the fantastic
beds we are in and the wine we had with the lovely native Teresa as well, more on
that later.

The girls headed off to Te Papa museum to sample the delights of the culture in NZ
and they had a great time. I had a bit of chilled out day on my own which is a
valuable comidity when travelling. I've been lucky enough to have 1 full time
'gorgeous' travel partner and now a second 'gorgeous' one to go with that means I am
truly blessed, but alone time is nice... And I had some. I bought an awesome DVD and
watched it, Cube, then wrote some script. Perfect.

Last night we met up with Teresa, a friend of Liz's from work. BetFair is is name,
gambling is its game and it has served me well throughout the world cup. If you
gamble you should use it and no one else... plug http://www.betfair.com/ and say Liz sent you
and they will sort you out with a laugh and a virtual pat on the head.

Anyway, we had a great night in the local pub with the four of us. Wine all around
and a dizzy head for the one mug who had to get up early to move the car at 8 am the
next day, i.e. me. Did I get any thanks... did I hell!

Hopefully Teresea will come over to the south island with us to do a spot of wine
touring before her brand new job starts. Applausing for her please now!

Other than that we have sucked at travelling over the last 2 days.

Leaving now


P.S. As there is internet I will taunt my work colleagues with this photo. Smug mode


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