Wednesday, November 29, 2006

24th November - 2 Jeffs don't make a right

We've seen some familiar faces, Jeff and Joanna have landed on Australian soil. We were really looking forward to seeing them and it was so nice to have a beer with the both of them. We didn't know how jet lagged they would be (very as it turned out) but we left them a message to meet us in a bar later that night. And after a visit to China town for a dodgy meal we actually did see 2 stragglers turn up. We won't mention the pasty white Englishness of them, but they looked very well and were obviously excited about their up and coming holiday, and had enjoyed their first stop in Hong Kong.

After a few drinks we headed home with plans to meet up again the next evening. This was our last day in Sydney and having seen most of the sights we spent most of the day wandering the shops and stopping here and there to watch England wickets fall. We met up with the double Js in the evening to head to The Rocks for a really good meal and yet more drinks. The night was wrapped up around 2am as we had to head home for the next days check out and flight to Adelaide.

We have also forgotten to mention that we have also climbed the Harbour bridge, and that it was awesome and high up. Just what Geof wanted.

Next stop South Australia!



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