23rd September - South Coast World
Bonza indeed, we have hired another car and left Melbourne. This time a Hyundai Getz, a 1.3 micra style machine just big enough for some bags and us to fit in.
Not so bonza is that I have achieved 'cold' status, some might have diagnosed it a near death experience but I battled through it. It sucks being ill whilst travelling, all you want to do is sleep and your nose gets sore from blowing it 300 million times a day. Then you have to go on walks to see remarkable stuff that is windy and cold.
But we travelled on regardless, mostly through English towns like Burnley, Torquay and Peterborough, but the first place we stopped at was Lorne. A cool place right by the beach with massive rolling waves crashing into the sand. A surfer's paradise, nearly. We stayed in this hostel that had 100 wild Cockatiels flying around the tree tops around it. Awesome you might think, at 6am with a cold and a running nose and a bad night's sleep those little b*****ds had something to answer for. Could have become the next extinct species.
More travels followed as we high tailed it to Port Campbell stopping on the way to see the 12 Apostles, of which there are now 9, must have been a day off for the other ones.
Not so bonza is that I have achieved 'cold' status, some might have diagnosed it a near death experience but I battled through it. It sucks being ill whilst travelling, all you want to do is sleep and your nose gets sore from blowing it 300 million times a day. Then you have to go on walks to see remarkable stuff that is windy and cold.
But we travelled on regardless, mostly through English towns like Burnley, Torquay and Peterborough, but the first place we stopped at was Lorne. A cool place right by the beach with massive rolling waves crashing into the sand. A surfer's paradise, nearly. We stayed in this hostel that had 100 wild Cockatiels flying around the tree tops around it. Awesome you might think, at 6am with a cold and a running nose and a bad night's sleep those little b*****ds had something to answer for. Could have become the next extinct species.
More travels followed as we high tailed it to Port Campbell stopping on the way to see the 12 Apostles, of which there are now 9, must have been a day off for the other ones.

(We could only see six at the time)
We also stopped to go for a treetop walk on the Otway Fly. More heights for me to handle, but it wasn't too bad actually, the big metal structure stretched out through the trees and you could see loads of the forest. May not have been worth the $17 dollars each for the 15 minute walk but it was kind of worthwhile.

Port Campbell was quaint, local and quaint. There was also a massive storm that night so we stayed in and watched the semi finals of the Ozzie rules. Would probably have stayed in anyway due to the crippling cold that has been attacking me if I hadn't mentioned that before.
The morning after we set off for the oddly named Port Fairy to stay. On the way were more coastal features, the arch, the Grotto, London Bridge (that had fallen down), the bay of Martyrs and the bay of islands. All of which are amazing sites made purely from the mother earth and the seas of adversity.
Port Fairy also gets the quaint moniker and we hope tonight that we can go out for dinner as my extreme illness has subsided somewhat. I have also gained an unusually sexy husky voice that has had hostel receptionists double take me.
Laters for now
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