Monday, September 04, 2006

4th September - Scenery, lots of scenery, get back damn you!

Well, I'm not sure how much more breath taking scenery I can take. I mean one is great, 2 lucky but 4 in a day is just dangerous! New Zealand should come with a health warning of some kind - You'll go blind!

Right so first of all was Lake Tekapo and a small church over looking the thing. The church didn't bother with a fancy alter or anything, it just had a big bay window overlooking the lake and the snow capped mountains the area had to offer.

More driving took us past yet another scenery bashing lake Pukaka, (the names are just dirty in this part of the world, we also passed Knobs Pass as well...). Then we headed up to Mount Cook for a spot of trekking. Again Mount Cook is a postcard just waiting to happen. Snow everywhere but still hot enough for just a T-shirt. We did a walk up a river for about 2 hours which was great exercise, also with Indiana style rope bridges.

Then much more driving again, as this place is huge. Straight roads obviously, I wish England was like this, top speeds have been pushed on open stretches... don't tell anyone.

Our final stop of the day is the Snow bum town of Lake Wanaka (again with the dirty words), and yet again with an amazing lake to look at, kind of bored at this stage. Anyway, the town is great, an up and coming snow resort as the ski valleys aren't too far away and it is different to Queenstown. A good place to invest if you can.

As we got in quite late, we walked around a bit then got a bite to eat and did the sunday night pub quiz which we came 3rd in. Not bad but not great, though the questions were mainly on American sport, law and history which made it hard.

Today is an internet day, hopefully some wine tasting in the afternoon, no ski-ing as we hope to do some from Queenstown.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Told you there was a lot of scenery!!!!!!
You have had great weather to see everything in its glory, I had cloudy stuff so had grey photos.
Keep travelling, love Ma

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 7:30:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha ha you guys are so funny.
glad you are having an amazing time and it looks amazing, think my next trip with be NZ!!some great pics.
keep having fun and big hugs all round
ps sarah v impressed with your sky dive!!you are a VERY brave girl!!miss you :-)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 8:58:00 am  

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