Wednesday, November 29, 2006

29th November - Kangaroo Island

Having left Adelaide for a while to get out of Carolyn's hair a bit and also to see some of the beauty of South Australia, we got on a tour to go to Kangaroo Island. We got the bus from the centre of town and got there about 6 in the evening. Not much to report on the whole journey there as I had a bit of narcolepsy on the bus and slept most of the way, this was to be a theme.

Also we have found out what Mr Neal really does for a living - he is a cross dresser that sets sail to new ferries.

Now the Australians cunningly named Kangaroo Island due to a feast they once had rather than the quantity of roos, oddly. Penguins are numerous though, hence this sign tickled us a bit.

Tristan Jones will be disappointed to hear that the Penguins were unsuccessful in taking over the town, even though every night they walk up the beach and wander around the village we were staying in, in a kind of zombie penguin way. There was even a sign warning us against this.

We did go out and get to see the penguin parade up the beach though we didn't pay for it like some suckers, the very same suckers that totally missed the pair of penguins that walked behind them, double suckers.

There was also a Dudley influence on the island too, a netball team no less. Always thought the Dudley clan a bit effeminite.

Then the tour next day took us around the island, unfortunately my old age and too much sleep made me fall asleep through pretty much the entire bus journey, but I was awoken for the good bits like food and animals. We saw tonnes of sealions, then some more koalas, then some seals and then a bird which we ran over and finally some Remarkable rocks called the Remarkables and one rock looked like a storm troopers helmet. We got some stupid pictures there too.

The bus journey back to land was also sleep worthy too, but we made it. Then Carolyn took us to the beach for some Fish N a chip with a beer, very English. Speaking of which Adelaide is slowly filling up with fat lobster English people for the Test on friday. Still struggling for tickets but fingers are crossed. We also saw Glen McGrath getting a subway sandwhich in Subway no less, thought about crippling him but I might have gotten deported. Should have taken one for the team really, but he may be injured anyways.

Laters for now



Blogger Unknown said...

Hi guys,

Nice to meet you on the wine tour today, best of luck with the ticket search!

The boys from Eastons CC

Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:06:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi! Watch it pricey! Finally thought I'd add a comment now you've insulted me.

Can't believe you didn't hobble McGrath when you got the chance.

Cheers for the wedding msg a few months back by the way, me and Mrs. D still living it up in Woking - you can give us your wedding present when you get back.


Saturday, December 02, 2006 11:28:00 am  

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