11th December - New Yawk
The final stop in our huge journey is New York. We are lucky enough to be staying with Anne and Frank Manning, Anne is THE Godmother! Though we haven't seen them yet as they are on holiday until monday, Eva, their friend has let us in and is staying with us too.
We have been pretty busy already these past two days, both times we ventured into Manhattan. Saturday we thought we had recovered from our jetlag but the sudden wake up at 11:30 am proved us wrong, but we headed in for the rest of the day anyways, Macys had a one day sale and we needed to get information and stuff too. Strangely I found some stuff to wear but all Sarah came away with were presents despite finding the largest 'petite' section she has ever seen, oh well.
Sunday saw us get up reasonably and we launched into a day of sightseeing and shopping. Firstly we headed down the bottom of the island to see the Statue of Liberty from the shore line at Battery park, we will probably get closer another time. Then we walked up Broadway, passing Wall Street where I cupped a bulls balls.
Then we went to ground zero. After we stopped at Century 21 for some cheap shopping, again we picked up some stuff and I did better than Sarah, she's got a problem there. After we subwayed to Times square and got some food.
To finish off the night we caught an early show at the Ha! Comedy club. Finally some good comedy from the 'mercans! Oh how we chuckled and had beer. On the street, which was full of tourists and people, we saw another spiderman but we weren't sure it was the real one as this one was tubby and had a polaroid camera with him, sell out. Sarah didn't even bother telling this one she hated him...
More of the same to come, laters.
Sarah you are letting me down on the shopping. Come on lady!
See you soon,
Oh and i am going out to meet Indu tonight in London! She flies back to NY tomorrow (Tuesday)
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