Saturday, June 24, 2006

Leaving... on a jet plane... be back 15th December!

Well, it is time to leave.
It is currently midnight on saturday the 24th, nope sorry it is now the 25th... I'm getting on a plane in 10 hours, but leaving in 4. Must be early now!

Here is a picture of the packing extravaganza I had today: -

Check out the bog roll.
The last couple of days have been manic. Real manic. I never thought not working would be so stressfull! But I have got to see loads of people before I go. Big up me Nan of course, had some lunch with her and then came back to fix the fence and things, see you at christmas. Massive props to the rest of the family Ames, both crazy Aunties have done splendidly, the cousins too. Hellos to the devon massive also. Huge props to the Joneses, I hope retirement/car licence/getting out to Oz works out well. And to everyone else who has said their goodbyes too. Will miss you all but please stay in contact through this wonder of technology!
Email addresses: -
In case you want a private moment with one of us... we may charge for some things like tech support/gambling insights/weather reports/photo shoots/ wrestling matches... etc
Just to give you a recap over the last couple of days. Sarah and I went to see KT Tunstall, who was excellent, though slighty shorter than expected. We also had the awesome champagne from Jane and Graham before hand so enjoyed it even more.
Tuesday was a BIG trek on the bike back from the venue to St Albans then on to Woking for lunch with the 'Programmers'. They totally looked forlorne and lost without us. I don't blame them, I make me laugh too! Though they did crucify me for looking like a cross between a stormtrooper and a Power Ranger in my all in one 'leatherman' outfit. I love my onsie!
Then was the dissapointing but 'got the job done' England match.
The rest of the week merged into one with many awesome meals and beers and football. I worked out today that out of 50 games, I missed 6. Not bad, not bad. And on the betting front... about 200 up! Wooohoo. Used a tool called BetTrader Pro and it is very, very good. (Especially on the 7 day free trial).
Absolutely GUTTED that we are going to miss the England game tomorrow! Bad planning, but what can you do months in advance?
Special mention to the Ma! Miss you loads, thanks for your help and the final roast dinner. TOP NOTCH.
Well, off tomorrow... sleep might be few and far between but the 11 hour journey might be a good time to catch up.
Please email, please stay in touch, please stay piratey!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peace at last!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you both have an "excellent adventure".
Make the most of the places you visit but remember to rest and eat well inbetween all the excitement.
Will miss you both, but will keep annoying you by writing E mails....
Love Ma
PS Tesco shopping will be halved!!!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:41:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to get a mention.......
After all i have had to put up with-you all up in my grill! A x

Monday, June 26, 2006 4:15:00 pm  

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